Jennet’s Object

Anglo Saxon Brooch

Owner: Lisa Brundle

University of Lincoln number: 19/156/160

These two bronze pieces came from a  pre-christian grave goods site retrieved from plough soil at Cammersham, Lincolnshire and are likely to be part of  the same original piece.

They are believed to be dated as early Anglo Saxon (early 5th to late 6th Century). Brooches such as this were often used to fasten garments at the shoulder and it is most likely from female grave.

Conservation Treatment

Having been recorded and photographed, the surface dirt and dust was removed with a soft brush. Acetone was used to clean embeded ingrained dirt and this was carried out under a microscope. As bronze disease had been identified the brooch was treated with the inhibitor BTA (benzotriazole) before finally being coated with a thin lacquer of Incralac for protection

Objects After Treatment

Click here for Jen’s student portfolio