Adela Hawley

Throughout my studies I have actively sought as many opportunities as possible to widen my knowledge in both the interventive and preventive aspects of heritage care. I have treated wall-paintings, go-go boots, archaeological objects, ceramics, gilded frames and ceremonial knives. I also studied abroad at XAMK university in Finland for a term, where I developed skills in marquetry, japaning and gilding on glass.

Outside of university I was awarded the English Speaking Union (ESU) John Roberts Award which I used to study medieval paintings restoration in Florence, Italy for two weeks. As course representative I developed skills in communication and management which will be incredibly useful in my future career. I will be pursuing an MA in Heritage Studies at the University of Manchester to progress my career towards curation and heritage management. I believe my skills in conservation are transferrable and valuable assets for my future endeavours in preserving the past.

 Click here for Adela’s projects

