Conservation Conversation

Have you ever wondered about what goes on behind the scenes in museums and galleries? Well, we can help with our Conservation Conversations!

As part of our teams dedication to highlighting the importance of conservation to the general public, three of our Conservation of Cultural Heritage undergraduate students are inviting you to our online interactive sessions. You are invited to ask as many questions or queries you may have surrounding the subject of conservation from 19th to 23rd July. These questions might be about an object you own and think might need conserving or even a question on the treatment of a publicly owned monument. It may be about materials used or ethics considered – we aim to answer as many questions as you may have!

To take part, head over to our Instagram page or our Twitter page or email us and send us a message or question along with your email address. You will then receive a Microsoft Teams invite for that day’s interactive meeting where we will answer all your questions and any more you may have!

Contact us via email using any one of these Emails:

We look forward to seeing you!